Pressure sensors
ESI Technology have been making hydraulic pressure sensors for over 30 years. Correct choice of hydraulic pressure transducer or hydraulic pressure transmitter delivers accurate, repeatable results with no maintenance over extended periods.
Complete hydraulic pressure solutions are offered with a range of panel pressure meters, a plug-in display for local pressure check a range of accessories for specific applications.
Custom pressure measurement solutions have been integral to ESI's success. All aspects of design and manufacture are done in-house at our UK facility. Impressive quality at an affordable price.
1000 Hz sample rate, Silicon-on-Sapphire pressure transducer, pressure range options up to 5000 bar, USD interface for use with Windows operating system
Pressure Transducer, general purpose, all stainless steel, 0-500 mBar to 0-700 Bar, choice of outputs
Silicon-on-Sapphire Pressure Transducer, general purpose, high accuracy, 0-5-- mBar to 0-1500 Bar, choice of outputs, ATEX option
Silicon-on-Sapphire pressure transducer, pressure range options up to 5000 bar, USD interface for use with Windows Operating system
HP1000 Series
Silicon-on-Sapphire Pressure Transducer, high pressure, high accuracy, 0-400 Bar to 0-5000 Bar, choice of outputs, ATEX option