Dust Suppression System Using Fog

Dust concentration 90% cut

Being used in a wide array of customer worksites

Consult with IKEUCHI for Dust Control

- IKEUCHI is the leading spray-nozzle manufacturer in Japan.
- We design a dust suppression fog system best-tailored to suit the needs of each worksite, through in-depth discussions with customers and assessment of the worksite.
- Control panel and sensors or other control options are available for automated spray control, that allows effective dust suppression and water savings.
Use optimal nozzles for each site
Energy-saving Hydraulic Nozzles
Low-cost, fine spray nozzles used in a wide range of site.
Ultrafine-spray Pneumatic Nozzles
Ultrafine atomization keeps down extremely fine dust particles
Conventional dust control | IKEUCHI's dust control solution |
Water sprinkling: has little effect on airborne dust Dust collectors:unfit for use in a large space | IKEUCHI’s fine fog spray system Effectively and economically suppresses dust in a large space Doesn't get the worksite soaked Yields a cooling effect |
Broad Product Lineup to Help Improve Work Environment
We propose dust control system best suited for each worksite
Header Type
- Uses stainless steel piping that is weather-and corrosion-resistant for a long term use
- Spray headers installed at entrance prevent the release of airborne dust.
- Sensor control can be included

Fan Type
Factory fans with spray nozzles mounted are being used for dust suppression in large spaces

Dust suppression mechanism