Air Driven Pumps and Power Packs
The HEYPAC pumps is a double acting, free piston, compressed air driven hydraulic pump of infinitely variable delivery for general use wherever a compressed air sypply is available.
- Energy efficent: pimp will cycle automatically according to system demand and stall zero flow conditions with minimal energy consumption.
- Infinitely Variable Flow and Pressure: The output flow and pressure depend upon the intensification ratio relative to the air supply
- Fluid pressures from 5 to 680 bars
- ATEX Approval Ex II 2G D, c T6
- Wide range of Fluids: Mineral oils, Vegetable oils, High water-based fluids, water glycol solution, water in oil emulsions, greases, phosphate esters, silicate esters, liquified gases, water...
GX Pumps

8 different sizes
- Fluid-to-air pressure ratio: 2.5:1 to 80:1
- Maxi fluid pressure range: 17.5 bar to 560 bar
- Maxi fluid flow range (intermittent): 2.5l/min to 80l/min
- Maxi fluid flow range (continuous): 0.7l/min to 22l/min
- Working Air pressure: 1.4 bar to 7 bar
- Maximum hydrauluc power: 1.5kW
- Working temperature range: -5°C tp + 70°C
- Most pump available with ATEX EX II 2 G D, C T6 (85)
KR Pumps

6 different sizes
- Fluid-to-air pressure ratio: 2:1 to 80:1
- Maxi fluid pressure range: 13.5 to 680 bar
- Maxi fluid flow range (intermittent): 0.5l/min to 15l/min
- Maxi fluid flow range (continuous): 0.17l/min to 4l/min
- Working Air pressure: 1.4 bar to 8.5 bar
- Maximum hydraulic power: 0.37kW
- Working temperature range: -5°C to + 70°C
- Most pumps available with ATEX EX II 2 G D, C T6 (85)
Options and accessories
Membrane accumulators (Smoothing Kits) - Return Line Filters (10 or 20 micron) - Reservoirs: plastic (2.5L, 4.5L), steel (10L, 30L) - Level switches (with DIN electrical connector) - Pressure Reducing Valves (conform to CETOPP03/DO3/NG6) - Directional valves (conform to CETOPP03/DO3/NG6) - Rotary Lever Operated Valves - Mainfold Block (conform to CETOPP03/DO3/NG6)...
- Hydraulic workholding, clamps, swing clamps, work supports, chucks and rotary tables.
- Low flow, pressure sustaining hydraulic systems.
- Pressure testing, tenile testing, non-destructive and burst testing.
- Garage equiment, pit jacks, vehicle lifts, bench presses and hydraulic pullers.
- Mechanical handling, scisssor lifts, lift tables, forlifts, pallet trukcs, drum manipulators.
- Hydraulic operation of industrial and marine disc braked and clutches.
- Waste compactors, both on and off-shore